Peru Elver Ruiz Alberca - Giesha, Washed
Tastes Like: Plum, Honey blossom, jasmine
Producer: Elver Ruiz Alberca
Farm: Finca El Romerillo
Region: Cajamarca
Municipality: Jaen
Harvested: May-October
Variety: Giesha
Altitude: 1820 MASL
Process: Washed
In the northern province of Jaen in Peru, we arrive to the district of San Jose del Alto where the most important agricultural activity is coffee. Here we meet Elver Ruiz and his wife Rosa Castillo at their farm El Romerillo where they have Catuai and Catimor, with some guaba trees for shade, plus yuca, plantain, pineapple, and other fruits for their consumption.
Elver has been close to coffee from a young age as his parents where coffee farmers who instilled in him the notion of working the field decently, honestly and with passion. It been already 30 years of him working with his own coffee trees and around 2018 he decided to follow the path of specialty coffee because of the better price as he can provide a better quality of life for his family. Also, he has always liked and been fascinated by producing great quality coffee, besides, he wants to provide a good product and fulfil the expectations of the consumers of his coffee.
At the farm, he lives and works alongside his wife and kids. Elver has also feel compelled in continuing this path of quality as neighbours and other coffee farmers visit him to see his farm management and process to learn. His goals are ot keep improving to achieve better qualities, have other varieties and keep improving his farm management.
Elver processes his coffee start with a good cherry picking which then are floated to take out the lower density cherries and any foreign material such as small branches and leaves. Then the cherries are pulped, and the subsequent beans fermented from 36 to 48 hours in tightly closed bags and sometimes in open air tiled covered tubs. After, the beans are dried on parabolic covered beds for 10 to 15 days depending on the climate.
While it's worth noting all machines and grinders are different, here's where we'd start, then play around and tune it to your setup!
Dose: 21 grams
Yield: 45 grams
Time: 28-32 seconds
Ratio (dry coffee:espresso): 1/2.1
These are roasted light, with great developement.. so leaves us running a couple recipes:
Light & Bright
Dose: 19 grams
Yield: 56 grams
Time: 17-18 seconds
Ratio (dry coffee:espresso): 1/2.9
Syrupy & Sweet
Dose: 19 grams
Yield: 58 grams
Time: 24-28 seconds
Ratio (dry coffee:espresso): 1/3
This is based on our commercial machine at the following parameters:
Pressure - 6 Bar
Temp - 95 Degrees Celsius
Basket - 20g VST
Shower screen - IMS
Pour Over
Dose - 15g
Water -
Temp - 100 Degrees
0:00 Bloom - 35g
0:30 First Pour - up to 140g
1:05 Second Pour - 195g
1:45 Third Pour - 255g
Brew time 2:45 to 3:00
Check out James Hoffmans Youtube for an awesome bloom technique, and use the Rao Spin after each pour.
Use the inverted method
Dose: 13g
Water: 220g
Brew Time: 1:30
Press Time: 30sec
Extend brew time to make it stronger, shorten brew time if you want a mellower brew.
General Specs
Ratio: 1:17
TDS: 1.25 - 1.35
Ext %: 20-21%
Breville Precision Brewer
Temp: 95 Degrees Celsius
Flow Rate: Fast
Bloom: 30 seconds
Basket: Flat bottom gold
Filter Paper: Melitta 8 - 12 cup
Dose: 70 grams
Water: 1,200 ml
Ratio (dry coffee:water): 1:17
Temp: 94 Degrees Celsius
Brew Time: 4:15
Pulses: 10
Pre-Wet: 15%
Pre-Wet Delay: 1:00
Drip Delay: 1:15
Dose: 120 grams
Water: 2050 ml
Ratio (dry coffee:water): 1:17